6 Jul 2008











1. 减肥!!我要美美穿婚纱。
2. 八月之前到大使馆去办第一次的注册手续。
3. 然后今年12月之前办完注册手续。
4. 明年的春天在梦想的chapel办婚礼。


Anonymous said...

This is Auntie - Hiu Wah,
I am glad to know your planning for getting marry!

I wish to join your wedding party too on March of next year 2009 if I can have holidays & money at that time...

Let me know the actual day of your wedding party, OK? ^^

shErmInE said...

Dear Auntie Hiu Wah,
Thank you for your message.
Yes... we've postponed our wedding to next year Spring. My father and sisters are going to attend my wedding. But the date is yet to be decided...
I wish you can come here also.
I'll let you know once the date is decided.
Looking Forward to seeing you in Japan.

那一年的冬天,我们相遇了 Daisypath Anniversary tickers
那一年的春天,我们结婚了 Daisypath Anniversary tickers
这一年的秋天,我们的宝宝诞生了 Lilypie First Birthday tickers