由于没有多余的时间,所以我看了很多套婚纱,也不多试,就毫不犹豫的选了自己喜欢的一套。Weding Planner的小姐也很惊讶,我会这么快做决定。



我们在一个小时内就选好后,就和wedding planner谈当天的细节。
I like the 2nd one wedding dress also! U look so pretty!
Good taste of 亮治!^^
Auntie Hiu Wah
Auntie Hiu wah, thanx !! I like both, but finally accept Ryoji's choice. That's fine for me:)
u are soooo beautiful......
u look like a pricess.......
i feel so touched............
i wan to cry already.......
aiyo...fei fei...
i m really really really happy for u. i dunnno wat else to say.
i aso love ur 『黒引き』wedding photos , the last 3rd photo is my favourite!! u look like a doll, so tiny so cute!! and ryoji is soooooo handsome!!
aiyo..fei, i love u~~~
that's really my first reaction when I saw your pics, those are lovely~~
like xiu said, i'm so touched to see you in wedding gown~
so happy for u tat ur BIG day is coming...
you both are moving on to the next chapter in life :)
it's a pity i cant be there to witness the wedding ceremony, but i'm always here to share the happiness :)
wish both of u happily ever after
that's really my first reaction when I saw your pics, those are lovely~~
like xiu said, i'm so touched to see you in wedding gown~
so happy for u tat ur BIG day is coming...
you both are moving on to the next chapter in life :)
it's a pity i cant be there to witness the wedding ceremony, but i'm always here to share the happiness :)
wish both of u happily ever after
fei, you look so beautiful
truly feel happy for your coming wedding....
relax yourself, and prepare to be a prettiest and happiest bride that day.... ^_^
Looking forward to see your wedding photo...hehe...
Wish both of you have a wonderful marriage and happily ever after.
Xiu, Mei, Huey,
I'm very touched to see your messages.. Feel like crying ..
really thank you for all of your warmest wishes.
I wish to invite all of you to my wedding, but I know it's difficult to come to such far place...
Love u all very much !
Dun forget me .... I'll miss all of u everyday
祝你们永远快乐幸福 :)
我没事,其实在想着架设新部落,如果设立成了会过来跟你说一声 :)
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